Examining the World in light of the Divine Word

Friday, October 20, 2006

Protecting our Precious Children

CNN had a news story yesterday about the arrests of 125 people for subscribing to infant pornograohy sites. Then there are the almost daily stories of parents killing their kids, school shootings, molestation and other horrific events. The increase in North American violence against our most precious possessions--our kids--is sickening, sad and shocking.

While it is true that the world will get worse before King Jesus returns, I have a growing sense of urgency for us to protect our children from evil and nuture them in the ways of God. The old line "I don't want to shelter my child," should be struck from our lingo. It is afterall anti-biblical. God calls us to train up our children in the ways of the Lord not expose them to smut so they'll mature. Romans 16:19 says "but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil."

With so much at stake, we believers must make a concerted effort to inculcate biblical wisdom into our children in order to equip them for worship and a life of service. Simultaneously, we need to protect them from the stuff of the world that will poison their souls. When they are inadvertantly exposed to harmful influences, we need to be vigilent in talking through their feelings and thoughts and pointing them back to the Word of God for guidance and abundant life God offers and the world rejects. Biblical Christianity is pro-life when it comes to the unborn. But it must also be pro-abundant life once the child has been born.


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