Examining the World in light of the Divine Word

Friday, September 21, 2007


I'd appreciate your continued prayers and encouragement for Matt Murray. Matt is a 34 year old guy in our church who just discovered that an aggressive form of cancer has returned to his body. As few months back he had surgery and thought his previous battle with cancer was over. You can add comments to encourage him at the end of this post.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Matt;

How does one share with a total stranger, that being me and not you. We, my wife and I, pray every night for you and a friend (Carol) who has terminal cancer. Aaron was the first person to bring your name up for prayer, others have followed.
What words would comfort you- I don't imagine I have them and if I did would they remedy the needs of a 34 year old man who's future seems bleak from a man's view. I pray and feel sad, big deal, it seems so little and what we ask seems so much, we will continue to pray that God's (Yeshua's) love will comfort and bring peace. The reality is we are human.
Carol is a woman in her late 30ties or plus and is in a chronic care home where the food is not the most eye appealing, so we take her out for lunch and if possible to Synagogue. Today was The Day of Atonement ( Yom kippur) Carol was at the service so after the service we joined her and the couple that brought her for breakfast because Carol wanted one. Carol had Brain cancer and now has it in her bones and lungs. When I asked her how it was going at the home, she said not so good and that she had lost it, meaning her idea of faith in action.( She got angry)
Carol is loving in spirit and playful at heart, so when a senior at the home cries out, help me, all the time, Carol responds. The staff don't appreciate a patient helping, they are in charge right or wrong I could not tell you. Carol is removed from the room and told to stay out, the woman that cries for help is Jewish and Carol has a love for the Jewish people so helping seems right.
Carol asked a week or so back why we wanted to spend time with her; was it because we felt sorry for her she asked. No I said, it was because we liked her.
Her testimony of God's grace a year ago was what attracted us and yes we are sad and would that all was well - I have seen miracles and I am blessed , so we pray for your healing but more that God's grace and peace be your constant companion in a battle that words --- are insufficient.


Alex & Sharon

9:13 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Matt:
I have followed your plight from a distance and prayerfully ask God "why?" I also know that you earthly mother loves you dearly and her prayers for you are 24/7.
As a fellow surveyor we have watched the Lord's handywork in awe ,in the fields. I have no other word that can describe the respect that I have for your faith and determination to hold on to your savior.


10:45 a.m.

Blogger Sarah Plahcinski said...

Hi Matt,
We've never been formally introduced, but I want you to know that my husband and I are praying for you. I pray that God will wrap you in peace and take away the pain. We love you brother.
Sarah & Oto Plahcinski

12:04 p.m.


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