Examining the World in light of the Divine Word

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Coming North American Elections

With elections looming on both sides of the border, Canadians and Americans alike are paying careful attention to the policies of their current and potential future leaders. Media outlets follow the steps of candidates carefully, scrutinizing their ethical choices, economic plans, military perspectives and foreign policies. Over time, lines are drawn between candidates as each seeks to distil his/her views down to bite-sized pieces that are palatable to the public. For this reason, it has been my observation that elections tend to be based on 1-2 key issues, with more “subtle” matters left on the sidelines.

As a Canadian citizen, I have adopted my own views on economic policies and foreign relations that do influence the candidates I vote for. Obviously the particular views of each person seeking election are processed through current events as well, since the way one enacts their economic and foreign policies must take current circumstances into consideration. If we live in a time of famine, I’m for lower taxes, but of we live in a time of feasting and the rest of the world is starving, I’d be willing to pay more tax to send more Canadian money elsewhere. But there is one overarching issue that trumps all others. It is an issue that is more important to me than economics, foreign policy, or one’s view of the role of the military. Sadly, it is often relegated to side-line status. As a Christian, it is THE issue that would cause me to overlook a candidate’s views on all other matters. It is the issue of abortion. From a biblical viewpoint, the murdering of an innocent unborn baby is evil to the max. It is the ultimate affront to human dignity and the most heinous of attacks upon those made in the image of God. It is inexcusable regardless of the circumstances, consequences to society or its families. Our Creator God made humans in his image, the womb is sacred, and human life needs to be protected there. It is not a matter of human choice. God makes His sovereign choice every time he permits a sperm to fertilize an egg. He is the initiator of life and for this reason we must respect his wishes to see that life birthed.

This election, I would urge you to ask your roster of candidates what their viewpoints are on this fundamental issue. Even if they disagree with you on other social, economic or foreign policy matters, put the issue that most interests God back at the top of the list. Vote for a candidate that is most likely to stand not for a parent’s right to choose, but for a child’s sacred right to be born. And pray that God would bring to an end this most grievous wickedness.


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