A Noble Wife I have Found!
I grew up in a home that had been split by divorce. As such, entering into a relationship with a girl was a little unnerving for me as a 18-20 year old (I dated very little before then). But through a series of circumstances God worked in my life to prepare me for marriage to Susie. This spring will mark our 12th anniversary.
Over the past dozen years we have grown together and learned much about what it means to be a husband and wife. I am often amazed how wonderful of a woman Susie has become and how fulfilling marriage really is. She is a godly example to our children (and me), a diligent and purposeful woman when it comes to fulfilling her daily tasks, a keen student of the Word, and possesses a gracious spirit unlike any I have encountered. I am deeply grateful to God that He has brought her into my life and look forward to knowing her better in years ahead.
Unfortunately, as I observe many young people today, I get this sense that fear of long term committment (marriage) is an increasingly prevalent problem. I think is due in large part to a confusion about the nature of the marital relationship when it comes to gender roles, and also attributable to the disintegration of marriages we see around us. For this reason, I exhort my readers-should you be fearful of marriage-to consider two things. First, take time to examine the Bible in order in order to formulate a clear picture of what your own role is in marriage is and then court only those who share your biblical views. Second, take note of the positive examples of marriage around you, learn from them and be encouraged. While my relationship is not perfect, and while my intent is not to brag, I can candidly admit that marriage is a pretty good thing! The God who created this wonderful covenant relationship can help you too to enjoy it to the max, as long as you follow his ultimate lead in marriage.
Aaron, You are the perfect man for me. I love you and praise God for putting us together. It was truly a match made in heaven! Thank you for your wise and godly leadership in our home. Thanks also for the many laughs that lighten up our days! You are quite the man!
6:58 p.m.
As one who has also been blessed with a noble wife I find your comments most refreshing.Perhaps if more of us married types "bragged",or at least openly honored our spouses,the younger people of today would'nt be so scared of this great covenant."Husbands,love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her".
11:25 a.m.
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