Examining the World in light of the Divine Word

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Matt Murray Update!

Matt had the cancer on his skin removed. The question now is what the lump under his arm is.
Here is an exerpt from an email Matt Murray sent me today!

"believe it or not the doctors still do not know for sure what this lump (now the size of a big grapefruit) some think hemorrhage because of its super fast growth others think its cancer. They are going to, Lord willing, to remove the lump and do a pathology report while I'm on the table. If it's cancer then all the lymph nodes in my left arm will be removed if not the sole offending painful little bugger will be removed. I am hoping and praying for the later although this would be a miracle. Good news the CT scan shows no other growths in my body and my blood work is better than most of the doctors.
The best news of all my dear brother is that in my weakness God is faithful in this difficult trial. I can truly, by no strength of my own, say now more than ever that Jesus Christ is My Savior. Be encouraged"

Let's continue to support Matt in our prayers. This is exciting news...praise God!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is amazing news. God is awesome!! Hang in there Matt. Your faith during this trial is a testimony to all. I know it has strengthened me!!

We are continuing to pray for you, your family and friends and the doctors! God is in control!

11:07 a.m.

Blogger Speaking up for God said...

Hi Matt,
Glad to hear the good news that there is not cancer in other parts of your body. Understanding some of your frustration with the conflicting views. Praying for you and the doctors for wisdom and discernment of the biopsy and lump evaluation (if that is what you call it!!) Continuing to pray for you as you face your ups and downs - the moments you are encouraged and the moments discouraged. Thanking God that you are finding rest and peace in Him. Take time in the green pastures and beside still waters with Jesus. He will give you the security and rest which only He can give. Miss you lots - but understand. I am with you in heart and mind. Your sister in Christ, Lydia

11:07 p.m.

Blogger D said...

Hi Matt, You don't know me, I've only been attending Southwood a short time but wanted to let you know we're praying for you and send our encouragement. Wishing you rest,peace strength,and hope. Praying that your communication with the Lord keeps you focused on recovery and rains comfort on you during this trial. God is good! In Christ, D

6:08 p.m.


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