Examining the World in light of the Divine Word

Monday, May 14, 2007

Is God your Crutch?

I was reading an article by an atheist today who claimed that belief in God is just an attempt to soothe the nastiness of life. His point was that Christians are mere sentimentalists (or worse) who need God as their crutch. I'm sure you've heard similar contentions many times over: "God is your crutch!" So is He? Is God your “crutch”?

As I have thought about this line of reasoning, I see points of agreement and disagreement. I disagree that faith in God is based on sentiment alone. Then again, I am sentimental about God. I not only like Him, but I love Him. When I think about Him I am moved. But isn’t that supposed to be so? After all, all true love relationships have a degree of sentimentality. When Susie and I recently revisited an old honeymoon spot, we retook our pictures in the same place we stood 12 years ago. Why? Because I’m sentimental – but will you fault me for that?!

Then there is the matter of God as my crutch, which the atheist uses against me too. But does he have reason to? And should I reject his contention? I choose not to. Why? Because God IS my crutch (among many other things). Doesn’t the Bible describe people as “dead” in sin and in need of a divine Savour (Eph 2)? Doesn’t the Bible describe people as “broken-hearted” (Ps 147)? Doesn’t God beckon you and I to “lean” not on our own understanding but on Him (Prov 3:5)? You bet it does! Perfect people don’t use crutches, but needy people do. So yeah, God is my crutch I guess. He’s doesn’t need me, but I sure need Him. A day without God is like a one-legged man without a crutch – you get no where fast!

So the next time someone challenges your faith, present the reasons and the rationale behind your faith. But don’t leave out the part about what God is doing in your life and how much you are learning to rely upon him everyday to sustain you. If that means letting people know that God IS your crutch then so be it. That’s the way it’s supposed to be.


Blogger Unknown said...

Amen! God is my crutch and I need to learn to rely on Him more and more, day by day!

3:04 p.m.


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