Examining the World in light of the Divine Word

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Simon says...chocolate!!!!

Here is Simon Rock at Bryan and Kat's wedding enjoying the chocolate fountain...over and over again!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Some Sex Ain't so Sexy

If you like variety in your sex life, you’re living at the right time in history! There is no shortage of input and ideas about this very human topic! From the examples that movie stars set, to how-to manuals on improving your sex life, to Dr. Phil, to tabloid magazines at the grocery store check out, to the guys in the change room, there are plenty of perspectives on sex floating around. Not to overuse the cliché, but we DO live in “sex-saturated society”.

Problem is, some sex ain’t so sexy! In fact many of the modern societal spokesmen/women on human sexuality are nothing more than perverts, adulterers and pornographers whose sole concern is how to increase your orgasm, all the while ruining your marriage, family and ability to experience relational intimacy. Barely a month goes by that I don’t hear about some marriage that has fallen apart or some life that is in shambles due to sexual sin that seemed sweet at first but turned bitter.

For these reasons, it is increasingly apparent to me that the church must work harder at educating people about the stark reality that some sex ain’t so sexy, but in fact is destructive. This means that our children need to be taught to view sex through the eyes of the God who designed it as an expression of trusting intimacy in a marital relationship. This also means that as people who are part of a sex-saturated culture that we need to daily remind ourselves of our own vulnerabilities as physical beings and resist temptation as per biblical teaching. This further means that the church needs to teach on the topic of sex in a bold, sincere and tactful way instead of letting people develop their views of sex outside of Christian community.

Jesus came to help people find holistic wholeness through the pursuit of holiness. So it seems to me that the church, as his representative on earth, needs to help people do the same—and that includes correcting faulty views about sex and teaching/modelling God’s views on this important subject.