Examining the World in light of the Divine Word

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Matt Murray Update!

Matt had the cancer on his skin removed. The question now is what the lump under his arm is.
Here is an exerpt from an email Matt Murray sent me today!

"believe it or not the doctors still do not know for sure what this lump (now the size of a big grapefruit) some think hemorrhage because of its super fast growth others think its cancer. They are going to, Lord willing, to remove the lump and do a pathology report while I'm on the table. If it's cancer then all the lymph nodes in my left arm will be removed if not the sole offending painful little bugger will be removed. I am hoping and praying for the later although this would be a miracle. Good news the CT scan shows no other growths in my body and my blood work is better than most of the doctors.
The best news of all my dear brother is that in my weakness God is faithful in this difficult trial. I can truly, by no strength of my own, say now more than ever that Jesus Christ is My Savior. Be encouraged"

Let's continue to support Matt in our prayers. This is exciting news...praise God!!!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

A Case for Confessing sin to one another (#3 in series)

We Protestants hold dear the doctrine of the "priesthood of believers". By this we mean to say that one does not need a priest or any other imtermediary to confess our sins to God. We have direct access to God through prayer!

That said, the Bible advocates confession to one another as well. While we might feel more comfortable confessing to God (afterall, He is invisible and doesn't share our foibles with our friends!), confession to one another has enormous spiritual benefits.

Benefits to the soul

  • Helps the believer avoid further sin (because others are now watching).
  • Creates an awareness that you are no longer alone with your sin (“We lay down the burden of hiding and pretending.”)
  • Allows for mutual accountability (someone is there to hold you to renewal).
  • It is a proactive response to sin.
  • True confession leads to purification.
  • Requires an examination of the self/conscience.
  • Demonstrates sorrow for sin in the light of God’s holiness.
  • Demonstrates a determination to avoid sin followed by a turning from sin.
  • Leads to restitution, if required by the community.
Take some time to explore the following passages about confession:

Two forms of confession

  • Private Confession (1 Jn. 1:9)
  • Public Confession (Jam. 5:16)
Of course, for confession to work, a few things are absolutely necessary prerequisites:

  • Open and strong fellowship among believers.
  • Humility on behalf of the listener.
  • Maturity of mind and spirit to listen, advise and hold accountable.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Update on Matt's Cancer

Matt is still in Toronto undergoing treatment. The doctors are still trying to figure out what is going on. The pathology report has been delayed in Windsor and is now a week behind.
Meanwhile the mass under Matt's left arm has increased 3x since first diagnosis. He shared these words with me from a Rich Mullens song:

"If I Stand Let ME Stand on the Promise YOU will pull through . . .
If I can't let me fall on the grace on the grace that first brought me to you."

Please continue to uphold Matt in your prayers and feel free to post any comments here for him to read from Toronto.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Case for Spiritual Reading (#2 in series)

To read and not to meditate is unfruitful; to meditate and not to read is dangerous; to read and meditate without prayer is hurtful.” Richard Greenham, 1612

Reading in light of the whole story and putting ourselves into it.” Simon Chan

Through contemplation of the Word we avoid a merely rationalistic approach to study and are enabled to reflecting carefully upon both original meaning and personal application. I'd encourage you to carefully read Scripture as a reflective exercise to hear from God.

Key Passages
Phil. 4:8
2 Tim. 3:14-17

The Bible is the primary means of engaging with God through his special revelation of Himself.

-Enables us to dwell on the fullness of God as He has revealed Himself.
-Development of the mind, enabling the Christian to live decisively.
-The truth sets us free from bondage to sin .
-Protects us from error .
-We hear from our Lord!

Approaching the Word...
-Get the right mindset: We must read in order to hear and understand God and Christian living.
-We must ask: How does the Bible tell the redemption story of which I am a part?
-We approach it presupposing its authority over our lives: We are open to its teaching, humbled by its message and willing to obey.

Obstacles to "spiritual" reading
-We are used to reading for information and skills development.
-We analyze rather than digest and reflect.
-We want immediate effect-often feelings-oriented.
-We skip exegesis (drawing out meaning through good study) and go straight to application.

Guidelines to Make it Happen
-Form a habit of reading regularly.
-View theology and spirituality as two sides to the same coin. This will help you to integrate knowledge and being.
-Look for promises and assurances.
-Strive to see God at work in all passages.
-Meditate upon the Word, allowing it to permeate your depths.
-Read with concentration, repetition and perception.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Please pray for our brother Matt...

Matt Murray, one of our Southwood Ministry Partners just informed me that he has been diagnosed with melanoma cancer affecting his lymphnodes. This is an agressive form of cancer and so he left yesterday for 21 days of treatment in Toronto. Matt is a good friend who I have known since college (he and I are actuallly only one day apart in age!) and a faithful brother in Christ. My heart goes out to him as he struggles through this difficult sickness. I'm asking the church family to commit to praying for Matt that he would be healed and experience the presence of God in a special way during his time away. I personally have committed to walking with Matt by offering encouragement to him and rallying others to prayer. PLEASE USE THIS BLOG TO POST COMMENTS AND LEAVE MESSAGES FOR MATT TO READ. HE'LL BE CHECKING IN ON THE BLOG FROM TORONTO. Let's be the presence of Christ to Matt as he seeks healing.
And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up.
James 5:15