A Case for Bible Memorization (#1 in series)
In ancient times, society was much more oral-aural than it is today. Listening and remembering were virtually the ONLY way to know Scripture. Memorization was foundational to the whole culture and aided in the transmission of teaching, traditions, land titles, customs etc. In the modern world, our reliance upon the written word (the devocalization of society), and technology has reduced use of memorization. However, the memorization of Scripture still serves as a vital tool for spiritual formation.
Key Passage: Ps. 119:9-16
Benefits of Memorization:
-It gives you something to Meditate on while working.
-It allows for extended focus on a particular truth (absorption).
-It imbeds the truth in our mind for use when attacked, sharing the gospel, or wrestling with discouragment.
-It helps us understand “implicit theology”.
-It intensifies the Scripture in our minds.
Three stages of effective memorization:
-Assimilate Scripture into your mind (repeat it repeatedly!).
-Let it penetrate your heart (what is God saying to me?).
-Move to resolutions (how do I need to change as a result?).